IMD is an alternative method for decorating plastic parts. High quality graphics are printed on a film that is inserted in the mold cavity forming one of the layers that is joined to the adhesive and plastic resin layers. As a result a permanent embedded graphic is obtained. IMD is being used in automotive parts, home appliances, medical services and electronic industry, among others.

As shown in figure, an antibacterial layer based on metal cations M+ (Ag+, Cu+). This layer activity is tested using ISO 22196 method of evaluation on antibacterial–treated plastic products. Antiviral activity has also been reported1. Some of the plastic resins used in IMD process are: PC, Acrylic, Polyester, PC-PET, Polypropylene/ Copolyester/ PVC. Decoration layer is glue to the plastic resin using an adhesive layer. Decoration layer consists on a decorated film that is guided into a mold cavity through a polymer carrier. Vacuum is used to hold the printed film in the mold cavity.
1.- Y. Zhou, N. F. Fletcher, N. Zhang, J. Hassan, M. D. Gilchrist Nano Lett. 21 (2021) 10149−10156